Dharmik Shah
自2014年以来,Dharmik作为Salesforce开发人员和顾问交付了115多个项目. 在Salesforce的各个方面都有深厚的专业知识, his experience includes developing and managing Salesforce applications; Force.com development; record types; security settings; workflows and approval processes; profiles and roles; Apex classes, triggers, schedule classes, and batch classes; API integration using SOAP and REST API; and website development in a CMS system using PHP and another for eCommerce.
Show MoreShamlah Veerapandian
Shamlah is skilled at working with eCommerce clients and understanding their business and capabilities with retail IT systems such as ERP, OMS, PIM, 准备像POCs这样的技术制品, HLD, 以及功能和技术规范、数据映射和迁移文档. She is experienced in Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC), Demandware Pipelines, Controllers, and SFRA.
Show MoreMarian Bida
玛丽安是个足智多谋的人, innovative, and competent PHP, JavaScript, and SalesForce developer with extensive experience in developing websites and SalesForce eCommerce. 他擅长使用PHP开发web应用程序和脚本, Java, JavaScript与MySQL和SQL Server数据库. 玛丽安为广泛的企业和公共部门客户开发应用程序. 他热情地以最高标准完成项目.
Show MoreShrikant Naphade
Shrikant is a Certified Solution Architect with more than nine years of experience on the Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Demandware eCommerce platform. 他为20个客户建造了超过97个网站, 四个集成墨盒, 和各种定制BM扩展墨盒.
Show MoreSumit Dashora
Sumit has been working as a Salesforce technical architect for various development and design-related projects for about eight years. 他领导团队完成了跨多个领域的可交付成果. 是否有交付最高效的平台定制应用程序的记录.
Show MoreDamian Vasilev Vishanov
Damian is a Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C Technical Lead with strong knowledge in Salesforce and Web Development. 他是一个积极负责的人,熟悉SFCC的所有架构, specifically Pipelines, Controllers, and SFRA. 他喜欢改进和优化,喜欢解决复杂的问题.
Show MoreManuel Blechschmidt
Manuel是一名认证的Demandware开发人员和IT系统工程师. 他的专长是ERP和电子商务系统, including shop design, marketing, analytics, material management, and production planning. Manual has created multi-tenant sites for fashion retailers in France, Belgium, and the USA. He has presented at the SAP TechEds in Las Vegas and Amsterdam and has contributed to the training of staff at previous roles.
Show MoreParin Mehta
Parin在软件开发生命周期的各个方面工作了14年以上. 他最近十年的工作经验主要是SFCC Demandware平台, including SFRA. He’s also built the technical solutions for various eCommerce web-based applications and has developed and maintained projects in the retail domain. 帕林是个彻头彻尾的专业人士, 也就是说他努力编写代码, conduct, 沟通要尽可能完美.
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